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OH & S


Occupational Health and Safety

Health and Safety is obviously an important issue when dealing with young children.  The Centre aims to ensure that the service provides a safe environment for all children and staff.


As a community agency, the Centre is committed to the health and wellbeing of all children using its service.  Accordingly it follows the guidelines and procedures put forward by the Victorian Government Department of Health and Community Services in regard to the mandatory reporting of suspected physical, emotional and sexual abuse of a child.


Our staff hold current certificates in the following training pertaining to First Aid, CPR, Anaphylaxis, Food Safety and Emergency Asthma Management Training.


Fire Evacuation Policy

The Centre's Policy in relation to fire evacuation is in accordance with the Metroplitan Fire Brigade Kindergarten and Day Care Centre Fire Orders.  Evacuation plans are located in the foyer and in each child's room in the Centre.  Evacuations are practiced within the Centre on a regular basis.


Emergency Procedures

The Centre has detailed procedures for emergency situations such as Intruder, Bomb Threat or External Threat.


Safety Equipment

All fire safety equipment is maintained by Chubb who check the fire extinguishers and hoses on a regular basis.  This arrangement is made via local Council.


Sun Protection and Clothing Policy

All children are required to wear a hat and sunblock outdoors when the risk is high, in accordance with the Cancer Council of Victoria's Sunsmart program.


Reporting and Prevention of Accidents

The Centre records and reports any accidents in compliance with the Children's Services Centre Regulations 1988.  The Centre seeks to prevent accidents by:


  1. Complying with local/state government regulations concerning all aspects of safety.

  2. Ensuring all areas, both indoor and outdoor, are safe for children's activities.


Severe Storms and other Natural Disasters

In the event of a natural disaster the Centre is covered by the strategies incorporated by the City of Port Phillip Human Services Municipal Disaster Plan. As a local community service the Centre would be contacted by the Community Services Liaison Officer, who would provide information as to the extent of the disaster and relevant instructions as to the co-ordination efforts in place for emergency relief.

In addition to this Plan, the South Melbourne Child Care Co-operative have devised their own disaster plan to cover incidents relating to immediate actions required in events such as fire evacuation and custody/access problems.  These have been approved by the Community Services Liaison Officer of the City of Port Phillip and lodged with the South Melbourne Police Station.

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